Equipping Catholic Families…for January 2018


Equipping Catholic Families for January Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

Key Feast Days in January:

Season of the Liturgical Calendar: Christmas!

New Year Resolutions and

Season of the Liturgical Calendar: Ordinary Time!

Get organized with 2018 Planners and Calendars! Convert your family calendar to be Catholic with the Calendar Saint Stickies Craft Kit ($15 PDF download with permission to copy for home use!)

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Merry Christmas from the McConkey family

We hope you’re having a Merry Christmas

and we wish you every grace and blessing for the New Year!

Interesting fact…in Canada, we have FEWER Holy Days of Obligation but we hold on pretty tightly to the ones we still have.

Next Monday is the Solemnity of Mary and although the precept to attend Mass is abrogated in the US, it remains a Holy Day of Obligation here in Canada…so we adapted our handy Mass graphic from this past weekend…to reflect next weekend’s Masses for the Feast of the Holy Family and the Solemnity of Mary.

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Our Lady of Fatima: 100th Anniversary!

May 13th marks the 100th Anniversary of the first of Our Lady’s Appearances to three shepherd children in Fatima.

You can read about the Story of Fatima here including Our Lady’s messages and promises.

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Month of May: Month of Mary! Crafts and Activities inspired by Mother Mary and the Rosary!

We’re well into May! Here’s a quick picture summary of some of our favorite Rosary and Mary Crafts!

Our oversized wood bead Rosary is always a hit at the conferences we attend. This is a pretty simple craft made with wooden beads, a wooden cross and a wooden heart, acrylic paint and mod podge…and it’s one of the favorites in our book A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families!

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