5 Important Ways to Prepare Your Child for Confirmation

This Guest Post by Kate Westwood of House of Joppa came at a great time!
We’re just signing up our 12 year old Adam to begin Confirmation preparation and to be confirmed in 2023!

Image Source: Pixabay

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Extreme Makeover: Birdhouse Edition!

From Birdhouse to Dollhouse;
Dollhouse to SAINTS House!

I’ve been painting little saints from wooden peg dolls for a while now.
I’ve created little churches and travel churches and hangouts, Nativities and Passion Plays!

I’ve been looking for a while…for a little wooden dollhouse at the appropriate 1.25″ saint scale, but to no avail.

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Review: The Illustrated Bible for Children by Magnificat/Ignatius Press

I am so excited to review this NEW Illustrated Bible for Children by the Magnificat division of Ignatius Press. It’s beautifully illustrated with relatively simple and very sweet illustrations in a comic book format for kids 7 years old and up. The font is a nice size with a combination of CAPS for narration and upper and lower case for dialogue. The people are smiley cartoon (my categorization) in gentle and friendly settings, color and formatting.

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The Divine Mercy Chaplet ~ Folded Visual Devotional

The Divine Mercy Chaplet Visual DevotionalĀ is a fully-color printed card with the prayers for the Divine Mercy Chaplet. The folded card is printed on both sides with the full color digital illustration of the Divine Mercy Jesus.

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My Instagram Account was Kidnapped, but here’s an EASTER Giveaway!

One week ago, my Instagram account was disabled, for some mysterious violation that I don’t think exists. I have repeatedly appealed this violation every day to no avail. I really appreciated my Instagram account, not only as kind of family diary of family trips, and special occasions celebrated with our family but also as an awesome visual venue to get the word out on the Catholic books, craft kits, quizzing cards and stamps I have created through my Catholic Business Arma Dei.

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2021-2022 Calendars and Planners for Every Day Catholics!

Our NEW Saints Calendars and Planners are NOW available for 2022!

Invite the Saints into your EVERY DAY with these Saints Calendar Printables!

The Arma Dei SAINTS Calendar is available in THREE different formats!

Vertical Saints Calendar with 160 Stickies and 56 Lists and Logs (PDF)

The 25 page Wall Calendar Kit includes a 16 month calendar (illustrated with the Kelly Saints on key Feast Days!) as well asĀ Lists and Logs TemplatesĀ which include:

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A Stained Glass Rosary: Book Review

I’m so happy to receive A Stained Glass Rosary available at Thy Olive Tree for review!

Kate has the BRILLIANT idea of semi-transparent textured die-cut stickers to place on each printed rosary tracker on each decade page. Her stickers are available in her shop: Rosary Bead Stickers

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Lily Lolek {Picture Book Review}

Lily Lolek: Future Saint

by Katie Warner, illustrated by Amy Rodriguez

Lily Lolek: Future Saint is a sweet picture book about a little girl who dreams of being a Saint. She tries to imitate all of the Saints she learns about, but soon discovers, with the help of a family visit from a parish priest, that she’s called to be a Saint in the unique and unrepeatable way that only she can be: by being herself.

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This is the Church {Picture Book Review}

This is the Church

Written by Katie Warner and illustrated by Meg Whalen is available through Tan Books here: This is the Church

This is an exquisitely beautiful picture book! With each beautifully illustrated page, we are introduced to Jesus, the Apostles, St. Joseph and Mother Mary, patriarchs, prophets and kings and Adam and Even through the stained glass windows within a Church.

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Home in the Church {Book Review}

Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith

by Jessica Ptomey

Written by a convert to the Catholic Faith, this book describes so much of our rich Tradition and Faith in the Catholic Church: the Mass, the Sacraments, Faith in Family Life, the Liturgical Year of Feasts and Seasons, the Communion of Saints, Private Prayer and Redemptive Suffering.

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