I have already written my reviews of some of the awesome Catholic products I found at the National Catholic Education Association conference a few weeks ago, including the Catholic Children’s Bible and Brother Francis’ My Heavenly Friends prayer card collection, but I only briefly mentioned Tiny Saints as a cool Sacrament gift.
The Pinterest Prayer Book
Isn’t Pinterest fun? My only challenge about pinterest…is how to really use it to create things to help my family! It’s so easy to pin pretty pictures, but sometimes they just gather on my pinboards and I don’t actually try the craft or recipe. I have been delighted to discover awesome artists who I would not have found without pinterest, but I don’t always remember to visit my ‘artwork’ pinboard to admire all of the work. Together with prayers I have managed to find and pin, I have created a new Prayer Book Pinboard, but this time…I have an action plan! This collection will be used to build something!
My Direct Order from the Pope
Back in 2002, I was attending World Youth Day in Toronto. My husband and mom took care of my 3 kids and I attended events all week in the city. My friends and I tootled around Toronto as tourists in our own town. We had our printed schedules, but some of the most memorable moments seemed to happen by chance.
Hey Frankie…it’s a Snow Day!
Hi Frankie,
Sorry I haven’t been writing so much this week, but I’ve been pretty busy playing in the snow.You see, last Friday was a “snow day” which meant my older siblings were home from school because the buses were cancelled and most people were just staying home. It was good to have them home, because we had a lot of work to do!
I’m a Guest Poster!
What NO Mom Wants to Hear
posted at CatholicMom.com
Real Life Catholic Love Story
posted at Written by the Finger of God
DIY I Spy with a Scanner
It’s fun to be a Guest Poster!
What NO Mom Wants to Hear
posted at CatholicMom.com
Real Life Catholic Love Story
posted at Written by the Finger of God
Monica’s interview at Suzy’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
with Suzy and Tom Selleck
NEW! Lace-Up Roman Missal Printable Craft Kit!
We have just released a new
Cathletics Craft Kit!
This is our Lace Up Missal
for the new Roman Missal!
castle and catapult craft!
Here’s a great craft for Leap Year Day!
I have posted about this craft before and have used it at TWO medieval birthday parties…usually this time of year! It’s a lot of fun to make and play with!