and the winner is…

…queue the Happy Dance… …and the winner for the 2012 Bilingual Bingo GIVEAWAY is… Sherri M from Baton Rouge, Louisiana! Congratulations to Sherri! She won our Catholic Bilingual Bingo GIVEAWAY! She chose to receive the Catholic Lingo Bingo in English…and the

Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition!

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Winners for got Mary? T-shirts!

CONGRATULATIONS! The Grand Prize Winner is…Michelle from North Carolina USA.
The  Second place winner is… Sue from

Ontario Canada.

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Got Mary? shirt GIVEAWAY

=&0=&  Check them out and enter to win!  See instructions below. ENTER the SWEEPSTAKES with 3 little steps!

1. subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families …and preferably leave a comment after this post, naming your favorite title or Feast day of Mary
2. “like” the Got Mary? facebook page , preferably leaving a comment on the wall

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