We’ve got our share of Arma Dei Resources prepped for the upcoming Advent Season this year including these fine printables:
November SAINTS Days: lots of links for #catholiccrafts
Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!
Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.
Hey, are you ready for the NEW Liturgical Calendar starting December 1st?
We’ve got the NEW 2022-2023 Wall Calendar for Every Day Catholics and it includes October, November and December of 2022 plus all of 2023, illustrated with our unique Super Saints for Feast Days and Monthly Devotions plus a couple bonus templates for Catholic lists and logs! Each month has illustrated Saints Days, Solemnities and Monthly Devotions, fasting Fridays and classic monthly prayers!
The Illustrated SAINTS Calendar is BAACK!
Fresh off the PDF-Maker!
We’ve just released the 15 month Calendar (October 2022-December 2023) as an easy Printable for your home! Packed with illustrations for Saints Days, Solemnities and Monthly Devotions, our calendar offers good-sized day squares, fasting Fridays, liturgical Sundays, as many saints days as possible and monthly classic prayers and devotions!
September Saints: Catholic Crafts and Family Traditions!
We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for September Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Seven Sorrows of Mary…along with various Catholic Crafts and Saint Calendar kits to ease our way Back to School!
Up here in Canada, we are just getting Back to School…so we’re launching a Back to School Special (code: BOGO$ale2022 ) in the Arma Dei Shoppe to cheer that up!
Spend $20 on Cathletics Craft Kit PDFs and get $10 OFF*
*Special SALE applies to the purchase of PDF craft kits only. Sale ends September 30th.
Books, cards, journal stamps not included within the $20 minimum purchase.
Activities, Crafts and Family Traditions for August Saints Days
We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for August Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Summer is a great time for a little extra crafting…so we also present Equipping Catholic Families…for Summer with the Saints!
Equipping Catholic Families for Summer Saints: July!
Apologies for our late posting for July Saints Days and Celebrations!
We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for July Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Precious Blood of Jesus.
10 Tips Fostering Faith-Filled Ordinary Time
Sometimes it’s difficult to jump enthusiastically into Ordinary Time, because it sounds so, well, ordinary!
But Catholic living can add so much richness to our everyday life and celebrating our Faith and family culture can be an active pursuit all year long! Here are ten ideas to foster your own family culture…while integrating the richness of our Catholic Faith with Saints, Sacraments, Scripture, Catechism and Prayer!
Equipping Catholic Families…for 50 Days of Easter!
Alleluia! He has Risen!
This is our summary post of sustainable celebration for all 50 days of Easter including non-chocolate surprises and treats for plastic eggs and awesome Catholic crafts and family traditions, but first things first…did you know that we’ve released
Prompt Me to Pray through Easter as a PDF and as a printed booklet shipped to you?
Equipping Catholic Families for the Holy Triduum!
Blessings to you, this Holy Triduum!
Last Minute Links!
Holy Thursday
Seder Supper with Script: Expanded Craft Kit
This Cathletic Craft Kit offers the basic ingredients, significance and text of the Seder Supper meal…for Christians.
This Expanded Seder Supper Printable includes a Script of prayers, questions and explanations, as well as Scripture references to read aloud.
My Instagram Account was Kidnapped, but here’s an EASTER Giveaway!
One week ago, my Instagram account was disabled, for some mysterious violation that I don’t think exists. I have repeatedly appealed this violation every day to no avail. I really appreciated my Instagram account, not only as kind of family diary of family trips, and special occasions celebrated with our family but also as an awesome visual venue to get the word out on the Catholic books, craft kits, quizzing cards and stamps I have created through my Catholic Business Arma Dei.