A Customized Prayer Journal

…as unique as your Confirmandi

I have been making these custom Prayer Journals for my favorite Confirmation candidates this year!

Now with my NEW Vinyl Stickers, I can customize the colorful faux leather journals with their Confirmation Saint (or favorite patron Saint),
specially-chosen illustrated classic Catholic prayers from our Prayer Journal Craft Kits,  and a simple How to Prayer Journal intro.

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Easter Basket SALE

Want to PRAY MORE? Need some SACRAMENT GIFTS for RCIA, your kids or your Godchildren?

FREE Door to Door Delivery for Stouffville Addresses


Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey presents practical tips for prayer that can be easily customized to fit our busy lives, habits, daily tasks, and even our struggles. Recognizing our littleness as an inexhaustible source of Prompts to Pray helps us to reach out humbly in prayer when we need Him most and reminds us that God can use all things for good.

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Holy Week Printables


Here are some LAST MINUTE Craft and Family Tradition Activities with printables you can purchase, print and PRAY with right away!

Gospel Graces

This craft kit makes a good review ANY time of year of Jesus’ Public Ministry. It includes full Lenten Calendars (for all three Liturgical Cycles) AND postcard Prayer Prompts of all the key events with Gospel Reading references, illustrations and Prayer Prompts!
Use year after year during LENT…and ALL through the Year for Prompts to Pray through Jesus’ Public Ministry!

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Bring On March! Month of St Joseph and March Feast Days!

Equipping Catholic Families for March Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the Liturgical Season of LENT!

The Monthly Devotion for March is St Joseph!

Book Recommendations

I’m finding BOTH of these books SO GOOD!

St Joseph the Protector: A Nine Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph by Fr. Mark Goring

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Lent at Home

Looking for crafts to do at home, with what you have on hand?
We sifted through our archives and these are the simplest crafts we found. Many of the crafts are totally appropriate for LENT and the others are just in case you have any kids obsessed with Medieval Times.

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Equipping Catholic Families for January Saints

Equipping Catholic Families for January 2023 Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

NEW Saints Day Stamp

Easy addition to your family calendar! Just stamp the new Saint’s Day stamp and customize the saint with vocation accessories, facial features and color!

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Catholic Gifts and Gift GUIDES

Looking to SHOP for some
CATHOLIC Gifts this Christmas?

Thanks for your support of Small Catholic Businesses like Arma Dei!

The St. Nick Shoe Stuffer Bundle ($60) includes:

3 decks of Super Saints (Retail: $12/deck)
1 decks of Cathletics Playing Cards* (Retail: $12)
1 deck of Reverence & Awe (Retail: $11)
FREE shipping to US or Canada

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Equipping Catholic Families for December Saints Days and ADVENT!

December Saints Days and ADVENT!

Equipping Catholic Families for December Saints!

It will be December soon and Advent starts THIS SUNDAY!

Here is our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar: Advent!

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FIVE Favorite Faith-Filled Advent Heirloom Crafts and Family Traditions

Here’s a summary of our most-loved Advent Traditions and the Heirloom Crafts we dig out year after year!

1. The Jesse Tree!

The Jesse Tree Tradition features Biblical ornaments tracing the lineage of Jesus through the Old Testament to the Nativity in the New Testament.

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Advent Wreaths!

We have used an Advent Wreath year after year, sometimes using the artificial wreath we have in storage, sometimes arranging a wreath from live boughs! Purple and pink candles can sometimes be hard to find! We have used votives, tissue-wrapped or painted (white) votive candles or the easiest solution: white candles with a purple or pink bow!

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SUBSCRIBE for FREE Catholic Crafts and Family Traditions!